Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter

I got the flu.

It sucked.

Threw up every half hour.

I counted.

It's dead week here at USU.
For those of you who don't know, I will explain what that is.

Dead week is the week before finals. Where you're practically dead and/or you want to be dead. Basically the gist of it is that you are supposed to have no quizzes or homework or tests during this week. But professors hate students, so they give us quizzes and homework and tests during this week. So it's pretty much pointless.

My plans for the summer? Well, I'm glad you asked.
I'm going to stay here in Logan.
Live in Old Farm.
Cara is gonna be my roommate! Woot Woot.
Maddi is gonna visit all the time from her house (which is about 15 minutes away).
And Jess Jess is gonna practically live with us (she's living in Oakridge, cause she couldn't get out of her contract).
Gonna work two jobs, one at the Junc and one at the Call Center I'm thinking.
Also, I'm going to buy a horse.
Also, that last one was a lie.

PoBev is this Saturday. EVERYONE GO BECAUSE I'M GOING TO PERFORM. Oh my gosh I'm so excited! But nervous! Ah!

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