Saturday, April 19, 2014


Okay. Let's talk about how people my age (18) are getting married right now.

3. I still don't have a boyfriend.

1. Oh my gosh. I'm so happy for them! Seriously, adorable. Like, I can't even. I Just. Can't. Even.
But not really.

Listen up kids, let's talk about why all the people are getting married.

This is my first year of college. Fresh outta High School. New to the world. Basically a baby. A child. But, would you look at that, my friends are getting married! Man, that's so cute. But wait.. I'm their age.. And I'm not getting married.. CRAP.

Thoughts you may be having at this point in time::

1. What if all of the good guys get taken?
2. I want a baby.
3. No I don't, I'm freaking 18!
4. Will I end up alone forever? And ever?
5. What if I end up marrying the wrong guy?
6. What if I don't meet any guy??
7. Will anyone still love me after I'm 30?
8. Can my future husband be as hot as her husband?
9. Ew. The word husband is disgusting.
10. Seriously though. Disgusting. ^^
11. Can I please just take five seconds and cry about how I feel like I'll be alone forever?

Now, my mom told me that these thoughts and feelings are totally normal for a girl my age.

But I'll tell you one thing, THEY SUCK.

Like, half the time, I want to be married right now. But the other half of the time I don't wanna get married till I'm at least 23. And I know, I know, 23 is still super young. Leave me alone.

I'm in college. That's where crap gets REAL. And this crap I'm having to deal with, this whole marriage thing, is FREAKING ME OUT.

Okay. Seriously. I feel like I'm literally bipolar because of all the thoughts I have running though my head.

Alright, I'm just gonna type them out. Even if some interrupt some and some make no sense.
You ret?

Well. I'm not. I don't think the world is ready for my mind just quite yet.

Now I know you were hoping for some words of advise, how to deal with all these problems with your friends getting married, but I have none. Honestly, I'm right there beside you, freaking out.
The only difference between you and me is that I have a blog to write down all of my thoughts on.

You wanna know something else that I thought of recently? I really hope Ash (Pokemon) kept a journal. Cause, man, his life was freaking incredible. But at the same time, he had a camera crew following him everywhere.

Straight up, I'm sick of wanting to get married, then being repulsed by the idea, then wanting it again, and so on and so forth.

So here's my advise::

Seriously, it's okay. It's okay that you don't have a boyfriend (or girlfriend). It's okay that you're not getting married right now. Because YOU'VE GOT TIME. And you've got lots of it. Breath. Smile. Be yourself. And the right person will come to you.

So there you have it folks. My advise.

Also, THIS.
[Please scroll past all the annoying stuff until you get to the joke.]
Okay... ONE MORE.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't get marriad till 29 and I'm so glad for that, I probably would have never even Irish danced since I started Irish dancing at 20. I think u should spend these next years enjoying stuff that will be harder to do when ur married. Then when u do get married (and u, definitely will -ur just awesome, so no worries there) u won't have any regrets or feel like u missed out on stuff because u got married so young. Anyway, thats my 2 cents, I have no regrets because I waited. -miss u sierra! -shelly allen
