Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Let's Stab Rude People with a Mechanical Pencil.. JK That's Wrong.

I really want a Mechanical Pencil. I love writing with them. So if anyone is going to the store soon, invite me so I can buy some.
Also, I should be doing homework right now. But I can't, cause I don't have a pencil..

So today I taught half of my ELED 1010 class how to draw a cartoon person. It was awesome because they all laughed and thought I was funny. I love when people think I'm funny.

Last night I didn't feel very funny. I felt left out. Why do I always do that to myself? I make myself feel like I don't belong. Does anyone else do that? It totally sucks. And then just the little things people do make you feel like they hate you. It's not very fun.
Lik, last night, I told the driver that she might want to turn on her defroster. Being nice and thinking she might want to while she backed up. But did anyone think that was nice? No. They all stared saying "Wow Sierra, back seat driver" and "Oh my gosh Sierra you're so rude" and stuff like that. But I was just trying to be nice!
I feel like people don't like me because of the choices I make. Yeah, I make some bad ones, but that doesn't mean I'm a bad person.. Does it?

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