Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I know there are a lot of rules to posting on Facebook and Instagram. Like, you never post two things in the same day, and stuff like that. But here's the thing. I've never heard anything like that for blogging. So I will post as much as I want, about whatever I want, and you'll like it.

I've been painting a lot. I love painting. It's one of my favorite things.
What's that? You want to see what I've been working on? Well okay, if you insist.

There you go. It's not my best, but it's not my worst.

I decided something a little while ago.
I decided that I wouldn't care what people thought of my art. I would paint and draw and art all over the place, and if it was good enough for me, it was good enough for you. I love that way of thinking. Not giving a crap about others' opinions. But then I forgot to think like that, and I started caring what others thought again. It's a real problem. Because I don't like thinking about what others think about me and my talents. Or if they even think of them as talents. I don't know. Maybe I'm thinking too much. I probably am.
But here's the thing,
I don't care too much.

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