Wednesday, March 26, 2014

I'm Sort of Seeing Someone

Okay, before all you attractive men that read my blog go and cry cause I'm taken (assuming you read the title of this post) I'm NOT seeing someone. Not even sort of! I think I love being single too much.. It's a problem. But not really.

So I was hanging out with Brad** and we were chilling for a few minutes before he had to go. Now, me and Brad are pretty good friends, so I pointed to my cheek and asked for a kiss like I do. He said no. And I got sad. I asked why and slowly, he told me "... I'm sorta seeing someone.." like he was embarrassed. It was a tad funny, cause he was so shy about it. But then he looked all sad. I asked who and he said "Darla." AND I FREAKED OUT! OH MY GOSH BRAD AND DARLA ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER! But here's the thing. Now I have no one to kiss my cheek. So that's a problem.
**Names changed to keep privacy private.

So there you are. My story of the day.

Also, I had my first day of work today (not including my training on monday), and it was super fun.
Also, I met a guy named Edward.
Also, that is all.

1 comment:

  1. If you need some to kiss you on the cheek i volunteer as tribute!!
