So I was hanging out with Brad** and we were chilling for a few minutes before he had to go. Now, me and Brad are pretty good friends, so I pointed to my cheek and asked for a kiss like I do. He said no. And I got sad. I asked why and slowly, he told me "... I'm sorta seeing someone.." like he was embarrassed. It was a tad funny, cause he was so shy about it. But then he looked all sad. I asked who and he said "Darla." AND I FREAKED OUT! OH MY GOSH BRAD AND DARLA ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER! But here's the thing. Now I have no one to kiss my cheek. So that's a problem.
**Names changed to keep privacy private.
So there you are. My story of the day.
Also, I had my first day of work today (not including my training on monday), and it was super fun.
Also, I met a guy named Edward.
Also, that is all.
If you need some to kiss you on the cheek i volunteer as tribute!!