Sunday, August 10, 2014

Yeah......... I Got Nothing.

I honestly can not think of anything to blog about. And do you know what that means?
Also, I need to think of something to call this little activity.

I have a moral dilemma (I had to ask Cara how to spell that). I want to get married, but I am still disgusted (had to ask Cara how to spell that too) when people my age get married. It's a struggle. The struggle is real. Struggle bus. I'm eating cookie dough. And I had fruit loops for breakfast. I meant to have a breakfast burrito, but I forgot about that and had those round, beautiful, colorful loops instead. I love them. If I could marry fruit loops, I would. Okay seriously I don't have anything to say right now. This is just sad. Also, there are fruit flies all over my plants.

Let's try again. Because that was awfully boring..

I have a secret. And I want to tell you. But also, I don't want to. Because this is a blog. And a blog is not meant for secrets. A blog is meant for thoughtless thoughts and feelings of all sorts. PISS I just bit my cheek really, really hard. Ouch. That really hurt Charlie.

This is still boring. I gotta just think of something specific to blog about.
Except most of my dear readers (all three of them) have probably stopped reading by now. So I could say whatever I want.

I'm pregnant!
I just got a tattoo!
I'm engaged!
I just got back from the moon!
Okay. All of those are lies.
Except the last one... Cause I really did just get back from visiting the moon...
Okay, you got me, I lied about that too.

Okay. Time to buckle down and blog about some serious crap.


Also, Fruit Loops.

Compliments of Maddi.

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