Sunday, August 10, 2014


I really just want to type out some depressing post about "him" and be dramatic and stuff. But I'm not that kind of girl.
But let me just say, it has been a roller coaster of a day.

And why is that?
I don't know.

I feel like I blog too much. And normally, that would be a problem. But no one has said anything, and no one really reads my blog anyway. So I am going to blog as much as I want to. And whoever has a problem with that can stop reading right..... Now.

I'm not taking anybody's crap today.

And you know what else? I wish I was talented at something.
I know. People say this because they want people to be all "Oh my, Sierra, you ARE talented!!"
And here's the thing. I know I'm sorta talented.
Like, I'm not a terrible artist. And I can play a few instruments. And I can irish dance. And I can ski.
But I just feel like... I'm not talented. I wish I was more talented. But oh well.

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