Friday, June 21, 2013


I stick to plans. I MAKE SURE I can do it or go or see it or whatever. I write it down, I put it in my phone, whatever. I don't forget. What makes me mad is if you have to cancel your plans to do something else with other people, but then those other people decide not to do it, or they have other plans they forgot about. So there you are feeling like a freaking idiot and really sad as well. Because not only did you cancel your previous plans, but you did it for these special people cause they're important to them. And not only did your friends cancel at the last second and you're stuck home alone, but you can't get your old plans back! So here I am, bored out of my mind, with no plans and no one to hang out or chill with. Whoop, go me. Do you guys (I say guys pretending I have people who read this) get pissed too when this happens? Cause I do. I hate it.

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