Monday, November 4, 2013

I miss McKay

I miss home. You could say I'm a bit homesick. And I don't just miss my home and my family. But I miss my friends. I miss being able to call one up and see them in the next 5-15 minutes. I miss hanging out with Bry Bry and Xbox. What happened between me and her? I screwed up. That's what. Or was it because I told you? I don't know. Either way, it was, and is, my fault.
But let's stop talking about that, because that's sad, and I don't like sad blog posts.. Unless I'm feeling sad. And I'm not right now. SO LET'S TALK ABOUT HOW ATTRACTIVE MCKAY IS.
McKay is a cowboy. I have a special spot in my heart for cowboys. I don't know what it is, but I just love them. It's not like I sit there and think about how it would be to be a cowboy's wife. Because I don't, cause that's just weird. But I do miss him. I miss hanging out with McKay at school.. Even though I didn't even get to hang out with him all that much. But when I did see him, it was always fun, and always amazing.
I miss McKay.

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