Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Boys Boys Boys

Why are there so many cute boys?
Why can't they just love me?

I ask myself these questions all the time.

I'm sitting here in institute and I look over and guess what I see? An attractive boy.

Now, this isn't the first time I've seen this one cute boy.
I've seen him before.
In institute.

But here's the thing.. I haven't talked to him. Which is weird. Because usually if I see a cute boy, I go up to them and say::

"Hi, my name is Sierra and I think you're super cute."

And you wanna know what else? I'm a total stalker.
Cause his name is Brad,
His favorite color is green,
He loves Chinese food,
He also is in love with veggie tales.

Ahaha just kidding. I don't know any of that. Except his name.

His name is Brad.

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