Friday, December 5, 2014


It's just hard to think about sometimes.

So let's not think about it! Let's just think (and talk) about poop.

Poop is a funny thing, don't you think? Yeah. It is.
Poop is always there for you. Unless you have some sort of sickness and don't poop. But I'm just going to assume that you don't have that sickness, and that you do poop.
Because pooping is funny.

Poop is always there for you. Poop is your friend.
Poop is the poop for me.

No matter what, poop does not leave you.
Technically speaking, it does leave you. Your body that is. But you will always have poop. Until the day you die. And then a little after that.

Now, poop can come in all different shapes, and sizes (and colors... but that's gross).
So do friends (except, the color thing isn't gross when it comes to friends).
But, again, we are not talking about friends! We are talking about poop!

And poop?
It doesn't get enough credit.

Just think of how happy it makes people! When you get that big poop out of your rear end, and you barely have to wipe? I call that a good day.
And I think a lot of people would call that a good day.
Or, think about when you're just a little on the constipated side, and you finally get all that poop out! It's awesome! You have to admit that.
It's gross.
But it's awesome.

Nope. That's it. That's all I had to say.

Have a good one guys,

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