Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Well, it's that time.
The time where I should really have been writing on my blog weeks ago. But I didn't and still haven't. But here we are, once again! Face to.. Computer screen.
How long have YOU been blog stalking for?
(It's A Bit Hard To Put Caps On The Beginning Of All Your Letters, Hm?)
Oh Oh I Know What To Put!
This is my English paper. I must say that I AM a bit proud of it.. Tell me what you think? (Jerrica, because you're the only one who reads my blog)
Here We Gooooo! (Said like in that Peter Pan Commercial.. Think hard.. Yeah, now you know what i'm talking about..)

(P to the S, the subject was "Life is Too Short..", then you had to finish the sentence.)
(P to the S squared, sorry about the funky spacing)

Sierra Osmun B3

Life is Too Short

Life is too short to just live. Don't just live. Do better. Change the world, and be the one who makes all of the difference. I believe that in this world, we have too much. Too much pain, too much hurt; too much sadness, too much suffering. Too much crying, tears, screams. Too much judgment. We have too much hate, harm, not enough help. I believe that we have too much depression. Darkness. Too, too much. My question is why. Why do we have all of this? Why don't we stop? If there's so much pain and hurt, why don't we help? Why don't we get out, and do something about all of this? Life is too short, people don't see that it's too short to not do something about all of the trouble we have in this world.

Too much pain. Too much suffering, sadness, and screams. There are the silent screams. The silent cries for help. If we only looked away from our selfish ways and glanced around us every once in a while, we would be able to see them all around us. Our eyes would be open to the suffering and the pain. The ones with the smiles on their lips, but tears in their eyes. The ones struggling for survival. Franklin D. Roosevelt once said "When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." We should be that knot. We should help, look around, and see the tears in those people’s eyes.

Too much hate, harm, not enough help. Too much judgment. Hating someone is pointless. Why use all of the energy to hate, when you could use the same amount of energy to love? Why hurt when you could help? Why judge, when you know nothing? Just a glance up and down, or a bump in the hall, can be someone's breaking point. Just a touch of the hand, or a friendly wave, can save someone’s life. No one knows exactly how someone lives, or what they have to live through every single day of their life. To some people, it might be nothing. But to others, it just might be everything.

Too much crying, too many tears. Too much darkness and depression. When you see someone crying in the hallway, most people would think or even say "What's her deal?" or, "that is so embarrassing, I would hate to be him." But why pity? Why don't you just go up to the person, and just give them a hug? Tell them you love them; say you believe in them, that they will pull through. I promise you, it would mean the world to them. Whether you know them, they're your best friend, you've never seen them in your life, or you even hate each other. A woman named Harriet Beecher Stowe said "When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hang on a minute longer, never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn." Be that tide. Be the one thing that will change a person’s life for the better, for good. There is not enough love in the world to fight the depression off. There is not enough light to take over the darkness. But one heart, one smile, one word, can make all the difference.

The ones that leave school, to return to a broken home. Being there for their siblings, shielding them away from the cruel ways of the world in the closed door rooms. Cleaning, helping, and trying to make a living at seventeen for their family so they can eat, being strong for them. Trying to fix what has been broken. Finally, going to their rooms at night, hoping to sleep. But instead, staying up those hour-less nights, listening. Just listening. Hearing the screams of a mother, the yell of a father, the slap of a hand. One Japanese Proverb says "Fall seven times, stand up eight." Standing up again and again, picking one another up, being strong for themselves and others. That one person is the strength. The example. Maybe not showing it, maybe not letting people in, but surviving. Surviving this wicked world and taking care of others. That person is the one not judging, the one you are. The one with the tears in their eyes and the smile on their lips. The one who might really smile for the first time in months, if you just say hello with a genuine smile on your face and a warm look in your eyes. The one who may be crying in the hall, but may also be the one hugging the crier. Be like that person. Help, don't judge, smile, support, be an example. Be strong. Life is too short to just live.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes I comment on every single blog post you have put up. And sometimes I do it out of order. However, I Loved this. Two of my room mates read it too. They loved it as well. I especially loved the ending where you tied it all together.
