Friday, April 29, 2011

A Choice

"Happiness is a Choice"
That's what my dad always says.

We have a lot of choices, don't we?
Yes, there's the everyday choices everyone has:
Should you wake up to your alarm, or push snooze fifteen times? Should you actually get ready for the day, or wear a hoodie and have your hair in a pony tail.. Again? Should you pay attention in class, sleep, or write on your blog?
But then, there are the bigger choices. Choices with bigger consequences, both good and bad:
Should you go to church, or sleep in? Should you answer the three am call from my suicidal friend? Should you hurt yourself again? Should you listen to them, or live your life for you?

Everyone has the choice. The choice to be happy, the choice to smile and sing and laugh. The choice to dream, and fulfill your dreams. The choice to live life to its fullest. No one should get in the way of your dreams. Of your happiness.

Everyone should have a choice, a chance, to choose.

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