Friday, January 28, 2011


Is anyone out there?
Is anyone listening?

Well, I guess I'll write anyways.
Hello. Its 11:31 and I'm kind of really tired. But no, I won't be going to sleep anytime soon. Why, you ask? Well because I'm a teenager and I feel like it should be my right to stay up late on a Friday night!
So here I am... Sitting on the computer... Writing on my blog... Wow...
I have no social life what-so-ever.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Sierra,
    I read your blog, and check it often. Keep writing. Comment on mine and I'll comment on yours. Deal?? P.S. I put your blog as my status on facebook. I hope that makes people start to listen, I don't know how else to help. Want me to hand out flyers here in Logan. Okay, maybe not. I love you.
    Your secret admirer
    ......Or just your sister who's too far away.
