Sunday, September 22, 2013

Everybody Has Gotta be Somewhere

Everyone has a place. Somewhere you belong, somewhere you fit in, somewhere you feel loved. It might not be easy to find sometimes, but it's there. Somewhere.
It's that place you think of when you're sick. That special spot you wanna curl up in a ball and sleep in. The one place where you can pass gas, laugh like crazy, and say whatever pops into your head, and no matter what happens, you still feel like you belong.
Being in college, I am feeling a little lost. I know that place for me is my house. My home. Where my family is. But now that I don't live there, I feel the need to find a new somewhere. A somewhere I can be my total and absolute self in, a somewhere that I belong.
I will find this place. It will be somewhere inside of me.
And one day, when I find this somewhere, I will know who I am. Fully, and completely.
But for now, I'll just be me. I'll be the somewhere my friends need me to be, and the someone they need.

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