Monday, July 1, 2013

The Sky.

Also I... I don't know. I can take a lot of hits. I'm usually the punching bag for all my friends. Cause I can take it. I have a fear of not being good enough. I have the fear that if I fall for someone, they'll just let me fall on my face. I try to be nice, as much as I can, even when it's hard, when I'm surrounded by people who aren't. No one should ever feel this way. Trying to make the best out of the worst is a huge thing to do. But sometimes it becomes a little too hard. The punching bag breaks. You fall down. You need someone to help you up. To sew you up. To mend you. Am I the only one who feels this way? Everyone needs a someone. One someone can't carry all, everyone. So help out.

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